GHOST and iModBatt will host a workshop on 18 October 2019 at Hotel ARIMA, close to Cidetec offices in San Sebastián, Spain. The workshop will discuss on-going activities which focus on reducing the environmental impact of road transportation, and in particular the development of Battery Systems and solutions to improve the energy efficiency of electrified vehicles.
In order to attend the event, active participation as a speaker or poster presenter is required.
Call for Presentations (CLOSED)
GHOST and iModBatt welcome Horizon 2020 projects working on topics focused on or complementary to the core topics of both projects:
- Cell selection according to use cases
- Cell, module and battery pack testing
- Cell, module and battery pack design (electrical, mechanical, thermal)
- Module & battery pack recycling, second life and/or reuse
- Battery pack manufacturing processes: assembly and disassembly
- Light materials for battery pack design
- Battery pack charging methods
- In-vehicle battery pack integration and testing
- Vehicle to grid
- Exploitation of results
Call for Posters (CLOSED)
A poster session will also be organized in order to maximize interaction between projects and foster networking between project participants. Poster topics can fall into the above-mentioned categories or any topic related to full or hybrid EVs and energy storage.
Workshop Agenda
The AGENDA has been finalized.
The GHOST project aims to design a novel and modular battery system while also developing prototyping, manufacturing, and dismantling techniques for the next generation of lithium-ion battery systems.
The aim of iModBatt is to design and manufacture, with minimum environmental impact, a high energy density modular battery pack flexible enough to be used in automotive and small stationary applications.